Wednesday, November 28, 2012


3 x 20 swings, 56 lbs
3 x 12 reverse lunge, 12 kg

3 x 12 squat press, 12 kg
3 x 12 bent over row, 12 kg
3 x 12 push ups

Cardio Circuit
3 x 30 sec battle rope (focus on moving core and arms and not legs)
3 x 12 burpees
3 x 30 sec plank

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Swings - 56 lb

3 x Walking lunge - 12 kg kb in each hand
3 x Leg lifts/knee raise

30 sec battle rope
30 sec shoulder plank
3 x 12 each side side bends  with 25 lb plate

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Squat - bar, 65, 85, 105
Pull ups 3 x 10 w/ wide elastic
Bench 3 x 12, 75
Lat pull, 3 x 12, 66


Swings - 56 lbs
Single arm bent over rows - 26 lbs
Step up  - 26 lbs